
Skills Term

During your skills term, you are required to produce a short project for your homework. 

You need to find out as much as you can about textiles, focusing on surface decoration. This project must be a minimum of 6 A4 pages, but you can extend on this should you wish to. It should include written informatin that you have researched and written up in your own words with personal comment and evaluations of what you have found as well as sketches, photographs or print outs of relevant images. The finished piece of work should be presented in booklet form at the start of week 4 of your skills term.

Areas you must investigate:

How to hand stitch
Examples of designers who use hand stitching
Examples of hand stitched items items

How to dye fabrics, looking at tie dyeing and natural dying methods (you may investigate more areas)
Examples of designers who dye fabrics
Examples of products that have been dyed

How to print on fabrics
Examples of printed fabrics
Examples of designers who use print in their designs

An idea of how you could plan your homework schedule:
Week 1 - 
Investigate hand stitching

Week 2 - 
Investigate methods of dyeing fabric

Week 3 - 
Investigate methods of printing fabric
Present all work
Week 4 - 
Hand in